Angebote richtig schreiben – Die wichtigsten Tipps für Designer und Agenturen / PAGE online

Quelle: Angebote richtig schreiben – Die wichtigsten Tipps für Designer und Agenturen / PAGE online ●Egal ob Website, Logoentwurf oder Gestaltung einer Broschüre und ganz gleich, ob Designer oder Entwickler, ob Agentur oder Freelancer; ist ein Auftrag erfolgreich abgeschlossen, ist das Projekt mit dem Erstellen der Rechnung abgehakt. So sollte es jedenfalls sein. Gar nicht […]
Orangina’s Ingenious Upside-Down Can Forces You to Mix Up the Pulp

Lots of Orangina’s marketing is about shaking up bottles of the stuff—to mix up the pulp, which makes the carbonated citrus beverage taste better. Quelle: Orangina’s Ingenious Upside-Down Can Forces You to Mix Up the Pulp
Instagram’s New Logo Is a Travesty. Can We Change It Back? Please?(ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie heikel Brand Re-designs sein können…)

Instagram unveiled a new logo Wednesday, and it may well go down as one of the biggest design fails of the year. The brand’s famous skeuomorphic icon, a virtual representation of a physical camera, was beloved almost universally, and is one of the most instantly recognizable logos in tech. For some reason, Instagram felt it […]
Don’t forget to read this…

Feeling like a fraud? Mikleo’s Cassius Kiani has some helpful advice. Quelle: Don’t forget to read this…
Noch nie sah Air Berlin so cool aus wie in der neuen Kampagne / PAGE online
Quelle: Noch nie sah Air Berlin so cool aus wie in der neuen Kampagne / PAGE online
Memorable Paper Art by Adrian Merz – Newly Swissed – Switzerland Expat Lifestyle Online Magazine

Adrian Merz, a Swiss graphic designer, has arranged thousands of white Post-It notes to create the incredible „Winter 1972“ project. Inspired by a perfume of the same name, he used the Post-Its to transform a living room into 1972 Winter Wonderland. Quelle: Memorable Paper Art by Adrian Merz – Newly Swissed – Switzerland Expat Lifestyle […]
Web design is dead

High quality templates, mature design patterns, automation, AI, and mobile technology are signaling the end of web design as we know it. Quelle: Web design is dead
Is This the Happiest and Most Colorful Mobile-Phone Campaign Ever?

Canadian mobile carrier Koodo doesn’t needlessly complicate things in this new campaign from Toronto agency Camp Jefferson. Quelle: Is This the Happiest and Most Colorful Mobile-Phone Campaign Ever?